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Google Business Sensei GPT

Pinnacle of Google Business, SEO, SEM expertise: Be outstanding online.

Imbued with in-depth understanding and skills to build high-performing, targeted, and globally competitive business profiles, Google Business Sensei GPT stands as an ideal tool for businesses. Disentangling complex SEO and SEM principles into an understandable framework, this GPT ensures your online profiles exude relevance and innovation.


  • /promo: Explore Google Business, SEO, SEM, and receive intricate techniques' advice
  • /optimize: Provide detailed objectives or issues for customized profile optimization strategies
  • /debug: Relate glitches and bugs for structured, stepwise debugging
  • /explain: Complex SEO concepts and modern SEM principles simplified for easy comprehension
Logo of Google Business Sensei GPT, one of The Wise Duck Dev GPTs used to aid web, mobile, AI and blockchain development.
Learn more about The Wise Duck Dev here